No Cover Magazine Presents: Celebrating Music and Unity at the Cleveland Music Awards 2023

By: Mark Rasmussen
Publisher of No Cover Cleveland and Founder of Cleveland Music Awards

Cleveland’s vibrant music scene has always been a melting pot of diverse talent and unwavering passion for the art of sound. In an ode to this rich musical heritage, the much-awaited Cleveland Music Awards
2023 is set to take center stage, celebrating the artists, promoters, managers, and live music owners who contribute their heart and soul to the city’s music community. As the producer and promoter of this grand event, it fills me with immense pride to witness the magic that transpires when we all come
together to appreciate and recognize the talents that make Cleveland’s music scene shine.

The Cleveland Music Awards is not just another award show; it’s a testament to the spirit of unity and collaboration that defines our community. Throughout the years, musicians from all walks of life have woven a tapestry of melodies that resonate with our souls and bring us together. The stage becomes a
canvas where emotions are painted, stories are told, and barriers are broken. And in this grand celebration, we pay homage to the very essence of what makes Cleveland’s music scene so extraordinary – the artists and the community that supports them.

Behind the scenes, the passion and dedication of countless individuals are the gears that keep the music industry humming. From the hardworking promoters who tirelessly bring live music to our beloved city to the visionary managers who nurture talent and pave the way for artists to soar, every cog in this machinery deserves recognition. The Cleveland Music Awards 2023 is a platform where their efforts are applauded, and their contributions are cherished.

What makes this event truly unique is that the winners are not chosen by a select committee or a panel of judges, rather, it’s the Cleveland music community that gets to vote and decide who deserves the accolades. It’s a democratic celebration where everyone’s voice is heard, emphasizing the power of unity in making dreams come true.

As we gear up for this year’s Cleveland Music Awards, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to every artist from Clevelander who has lent their voice to this symphony of harmony and diversity. Your dedication to your craft is what breathes life into our music community, and we are eternally grateful for the joy you bring to our lives.

I also want to extend a special thank you to the sponsors Jack Daniels Whiskey, Immigrant Son Brewery, Cleveland Ketchup and Mustard, Temple Live and their great staff, No Cover Cleveland Staff, Cleveland Rocks Past Present and Future, volunteers, and music enthusiasts who passionately support this event year after year. Without your unwavering dedication, the Cleveland Music Awards
wouldn’t be the spectacular celebration it is today.

The Cleveland Music Awards 2023 promises to be a night of glitz, glamour, and most importantly, a celebration of the unbreakable bond that weaves us all together through music. Get ready to immerse yourself.
in a night of musical brilliance as we raise our glasses to the artists, the community, and the magic they create.

Let us come together once again to appreciate, acknowledge, and honor the beating heart of Cleveland’s music community at the Cleveland Music Awards 2023 – a night that will resonate in our memories for years to come.
Unity creates community and together we are Strong!

Mark Rasmussen

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